ggQQunif - Compare Big Datasets to the Uniform Distribution
A quantile-quantile plot can be used to compare a sample of p-values to the uniform distribution. But when the dataset is big (i.e. > 1e4 p-values), plotting the quantile-quantile plot can be slow. geom_QQ uses all the data to calculate the quantiles, but thins it out in a way that focuses on points near zero before plotting to speed up plotting and decrease file size, when vector graphics are stored.
Last updated 7 years ago
3.60 score 8 stars 3 scripts 161 downloadsactogrammr - Read in Activity Data and Plot Actograms
Read in activity measurements from standard file formats used by circadian rhythm researchers, currently only 'ClockLab' format, and process and plot the data. The central type of plot is the actogram, as first described by in "Activity and distribution of certain wild mice in relation to biotic communities" by MS Johnson (1926) <doi:10.2307/1373575>.
Last updated 7 years ago
3.18 score 3 stars 10 scripts 294 downloadswISAM - Weighted Inbred Strain Association Mapping
In the course of a genome-wide association study, the situation often arises that some phenotypes are known with greater precision than others. It could be that some individuals are known to harbor more micro-environmental variance than others. In the case of inbred strains of model organisms, it could be the case that more organisms were observed from some strains than others, so the strains with more organisms have better-estimated means. Package 'wISAM' handles this situation by allowing for weighting of each observation according to residual variance. Specifically, the 'weight' parameter to the function conduct_scan() takes the precision of each observation (one over the variance).
Last updated 7 years ago
2.90 score 16 scripts 153 downloads